Build a Survey

We spent years doing our research so we can help you begin to unearth valuable data in a matter of minutes.

Getting started is easy with our preset templates. You can add your own graphic identity, incorporate our Engagement Index, copy questions from our extensive industry specific question library or choose from 15 question types to quickly build your own engagement survey.

Need help developing questions? Use our online help or call one of our agents.

What is the Engagement Index?

Simply put, the Engagement index is a series of statements that reflect the strength of the relationship a person has with a non-profit organization.

The statements are based upon their past, current and potential relationship with the organization. EAi has tested the statements with over 500,000 respondents and our research shows they're intensely tied to donor participation rates and donation amounts as well as reflecting a willingness to speak positively about the non-profit.

Get the Right Data

Quickly set up custom URL’s and link to your email system and social media account to connect with your constituency, monitor your survey performance, send reminders and watch the information flow.

With our advanced Data Loader, you can even add your own data to the results to get more robust insights into donor engagement.

Respondent Interface

End user (donor, volunteer, constituent) experience is critical to survey completion and capturing accurate data. An increasing percentage of EAi respondents are using mobile devices to complete our surveys.

The Engagement Analyser is optimized for multiple devices to facilitate quick load and easy flow through survey questions. Our system uses unique constituent ID capture for accurate tracking and interface with existing systems, and provides multiple easy-to-use, easy-to-respond question types to the user.

Simple Research and Reporting

Use the response dashboard to determine response statistics and validity with drag and drop variables to view tables, charts and graphs and develop personalized reports.

You can export small specific data segments, like potential donors, or large data sets of overall results. Our Engagement Data Miner allows you to dig deeper into your data or use the Donor Pool Analyser to track donor performance across multiple standard metrics.


Using our repository of over 1,500,000 past respondents, you can easily benchmark your engagement levels with large comparator pools or refine your pool to those most similar to you.

We can even help you get one-to-one comparisons with other consenting users. Not only can you get overall engagement benchmarks, but you can benchmark on fundraising, relationship building, and communications variables.

Manage your Research Program

Using our archive feature and online database, you can save your past surveys, favorite questions, the reports you built and your past data for future reference.

Multiple users can measure post-event engagement levels against past baselines and previous surveys to see if your event or campaign had a measurable impact on engagement. Some of the most relevant benchmarking is against your past performance.

Advanced Features

LifeStage Builder

Donor Pool Analyser

Constituent Personality Types

Engagement Data Miner

Fast & Friendly Support

Our experienced consultants are available online, over the phone or in-person to assist you with survey development, data analysis and program consulting.

Secure Data

Our systems and data are set up and stored using the most recognized online security systems. You can trust us to keep your data private, safe, secure and accessible to you at all times.

Request a demo and see the Engagement Analyser in action!

Send us your contact information and someone from EAI will contact you within 24 hours to set up your personalized demonstration of what the Engagement Analyser can do.

A few of our satisfied clients...

  • McGill University
  • Queens University
  • Acadia University
  • George Brown College
  • Carleton University
  • University of Guelph
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Prince Edward Island
  • Branksome Hall
  • The London School of Econonics and Political Science